Well I have been sperminated!!!!

I had my IUI this past Wednesday. Allen and I are really positive this is THE one. We were extremely worried that this cycle would be converted to timed intercourse due to the snow/ice storm we had but the clouds parted and we made our way into the first clinic 9am. The roads were still a little slick due to the black ice. We had to go to two separate clinics because my IUI was being performed by my military physician and Allen’s sperm wash was being done by an outside provider. I waited in the waiting room while Allen did his thing going through all the necessary paperwork and when he was done we both waited for them to prepare his sample. The tech came out after about 15 mins with the vial and gave us the prognosis and it was AWESOME we had a sample of 85 million POST WASH and motility of 85% freaking awesome!!!!! We didn’t get a report on morphology but you know what I don’t care! So I put the sample in my bra to keep it warm and then we headed to the actual IUI. My doctor wasn’t able to perform the procedure because he was delivering a baby of all things :0) Awesome sign maybe??? If not that one maybe the couple in the hallway who just found out they were expecting :0) So we waited in the room for about an hour and then my nurse informed me she would be doing my IUI which I had no problem with she informed me if she had a problem inserting the cath she would wait on Dr. P. All system were a go and afterward I rested on the table for about an hour chatting with Allen. I started to cramp really bad after so I spent most of the afternoon watching tv on the coach and doing laundry. Today is 2dp my IUI and still a little crampy but overall feeling fine. I went to my Zumba class last night. My beta is the 26th nurse D said to call her 2 hours prior to when I go in and she will try to get my results the same day which I thought was awfully nice since she is the only RN in the clinic and Dr.P has ALOT of patients. I have talked it over with GOD and believe this is it a baby is on the way to our house in 2011.

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